Level 5 API¶
Design Comments
Dataframe API¶
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_column_data_enum_f)(const int column_idx, const int *const row_idxs, const int row_size, void **const data, void *const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
A data enumeration function to supply data for given row indexes.
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_column_data_deinit_f)(void *const data, void *const context)¶
A destructor for data.
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)(void *const context)¶
A destructor for context.
typedef struct ccv_cnnp_dataframe_s ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t¶
An opaque structure point to the dataframe object.
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_column_data_map_f)(void *const *const *const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void **const data, void *const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
A map function that takes the data from multiple columns and derive new data out of it.
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_column_data_sample_f)(void *const *const input_data, const int batch_size, void **const output_data, void *const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
A sampling function that takes multiple rows of one column, and sample to one row.
typedef struct ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_s ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_t¶
The opaque pointer to the iterator.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_new(const ccv_cnnp_column_data_t *const column_data, const int column_size, const int row_count)¶
Create a dataframe object with given column data.
- Parameters:
column_data – The column data that can be loaded.
column_size – The size of column data array.
row_count – The number of rows in this dataframe.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_add(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, ccv_cnnp_column_data_enum_f data_enum, const int stream_type, ccv_cnnp_column_data_deinit_f data_deinit, void *const context, ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f context_deinit, const char *name)¶
Add a new column to the dataframe.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object to add column to.
data_enum – The data provider function for the new column.
stream_type – The type of stream context for this derived column.
data_deinit – The deinit function will be used to destroy the derived data.
context – The context that can be used to generate new column.
context_deinit – The deinit function will be used to destroy the context.
name – The name of the newly added column.
- Returns:
The new column index.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, ccv_cnnp_column_data_map_f map, const int stream_type, ccv_cnnp_column_data_deinit_f data_deinit, const int *const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size, void *const context, ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f context_deinit, const char *name)¶
Derive a new column out of existing columns in the dataframe.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that contains existing columns.
map – The map function used to derive new column from existing columns.
stream_type – The type of stream context for this derived column.
data_deinit – The deinit function will be used to destroy the derived data.
column_idxs – The columns that will be used to derive new column.
column_idx_size – The size of existing columns array.
context – The context that can be used to generate new column.
context_deinit – The deinit function will be used to destroy the context.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The new column index.
void ccv_cnnp_dataframe_shuffle(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe)¶
Shuffle an existing dataframe.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe that is about to be shuffled.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_row_count(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe)¶
Query row count of the dataframe.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe we want to query row count.
- Returns:
The row count of the dataframe.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_column_name(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx)¶
Query the column name of a given column on the dataframe.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe we want to query the column name.
column_idx – The index of a column.
- Returns:
The name of the column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_sample_new(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, ccv_cnnp_column_data_sample_f sample, ccv_cnnp_column_data_deinit_f data_deinit, const int column_idx, const int batch_size, void *const context, ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f context_deinit)¶
Sample a dataframe by batch size. Thus, n rows are sampled to 1 row per sample function on one specific column. This will also sample the multi-column dataframe down to 1 column by selecting the one column to sample.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe that is about to be sampled.
sample – The sample function used to sample n rows into 1.
data_deinit – The deinit function will be used to destroy the derived data.
column_idx – The column we selected to sample.
batch_size – How many rows will be sampled to 1 row from the original data.
context – The context that can be used in sample function.
context_deinit – The deinit function will be used to destroy the context.
- Returns:
The sampled dataframe.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_extract_value(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t offset, const char *name)¶
Extract a value out of a struct. Assuming the data points to a struct. This method extract n-offset value of that struct. For example, if you have struct { ccv_nnc_tensor_t* a; ccv_nnc_tensor_t* b; } S; if you want to extract the b tensor to a different column, you can call this function with offsetof(S, b).
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object to be extracted.
column_idx – The column that we want to extract value of.
offset – The offset. For example, offsetof(S, b).
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The new column that contains the extracted value.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_make_tuple(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int *const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size, const char *name)¶
Make a tuple out of columns specified. Thus, the new derived column will contains a tuple with data from all the columns specified here. Tuple here represented as void* tuple[], an array of void* pointers.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe that will contain the new column.
column_idxs – The columns to be tupled.
column_idx_size – The number of columns.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The derived column with the tuple.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_size(const ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx)¶
The size of the tuple. It is equal to the number of columns we specified. The behavior of calling this method on a column that is not a tuple is undefined.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe that contains the tuple column.
column_idx – The tuple column we are going to inspect.
- Returns:
The tuple size of the column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_extract_tuple(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const int index, const char *name)¶
Extract a data out of a tuple.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe that will contain the new column.
column_idx – The column that is a tuple.
index – The index into the tuple.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The derived column with the extracted value.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_new(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int *const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size)¶
Get a new iterator of the dataframe.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object to iterate through.
column_idxs – The columns that will be iterated.
column_idx_size – The size of columns array.
- Returns:
The opaque iterator object.
int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_next(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_t *const iter, void **const data_ref, const int column_idx_size, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Get the next item from the iterator.
- Parameters:
iter – The iterator to go through.
data_ref – The output for the data.
column_idx_size – The size of the data_ref array.
stream_context – The stream context to extract data asynchronously.
- Returns:
0 if the iteration is successful, -1 if there is no more row. -2 if it is already ended.
void ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_peek(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_t *const iter, void **const data_ref, const int offset, const int data_ref_size, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Assuming iterator is on the same row, peek into potentially different column index.
- Parameters:
iter – The iterator to go through.
data_ref – The output for the data.
offset – The offset for which column in this iterator to peek at.
data_ref_size – How many columns in this iterator to peek at.
stream_context – The stream context to extract data asynchronously.
int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_prefetch(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_t *const iter, const int prefetch_count, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Prefetch next item on the iterator with the given stream context. You can call this method multiple times to prefetch multiple items ahead of time.
- Parameters:
iter – The iterator to go through.
prefetch_count – How much ahead we should advance for.
stream_context – The stream context to extract data asynchronously.
- Returns:
0 if the prefetch is successful, -1 if it is ended.
int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_set_cursor(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_t *const iter, const int idx)¶
Set the cursor of the iterator. When set to 0, the iterator effectively restarts.
- Parameters:
iter – The iterator to go through.
idx – The index of the cursor.
- Returns:
0 if it is successful, -1 if it is not (exceed the range).
void ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_free(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_iter_t *const iter)¶
Free the dataframe iterator object.
- Parameters:
iter – The dataframe iterator to be freed.
void ccv_cnnp_dataframe_free(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe)¶
Free the dataframe object.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object to be freed.
struct ccv_cnnp_column_data_t¶
- #include <ccv_nnc.h>
Column data.
Public Members
int stream_type¶
The type of stream context for this column. Each column only compatible with one stream type.
char *name¶
The name of the column.
ccv_cnnp_column_data_enum_f data_enum¶
The data enumeration function for this column.
ccv_cnnp_column_data_deinit_f data_deinit¶
The deinit function that will be used to destroy the data.
void *context¶
The context go along with this column.
ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f context_deinit¶
The deinit function that will be used to destroy the context.
int stream_type¶
Dataframe Add-ons¶
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_from_array_new(ccv_array_t *const array)¶
Turn a ccv_array_t to a dataframe object.
- Parameters:
array – The array we want to turn into a dataframe object.
- Returns:
The new dataframe object.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_copy_to_gpu(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const int tensor_offset, const int tensor_size, const int device_id, const char *name)¶
Derive a new column that copies a tensor array from given column to the derived column on GPU.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that get the derived column.
column_idx – The original column contains tensor array on CPU.
tensor_offset – Only copy as outputs[i] = inputs[i + tensor_offset].
tensor_size – How many tensors in the tensor array.
device_id – The device we want to copy the tensors to.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_cmd_exec(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, const int input_offset, const int input_size, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t *const output_params, const int output_size, const int stream_type, const char *name)¶
Derive a new column by executing a generic command.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that get the derived column.
column_idx – The original column contains tensor array.
cmd – The command for this operation.
hint – The hint to run the command.
flags – The flags with the command.
input_offset – Use inputs[i + input_offset] to inputs[i + input_offset + input_size - 1] as the inputs
input_size – How many tensors in the input array.
output_params – The parameters for the outputs.
output_size – How many tensors in the output array.
stream_type – The type of stream context we are going to use.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_add_aux(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params, const char *name)¶
Add a new column contains some tensors. This will add a new column that each row is the tensor specified as the parameters. It comes handy when you want to have some auxiliary tensors along with each row.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that get the new column.
params – The parameters for the tensors.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly added column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_read_image(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t structof, const char *name)¶
Read image off a said column. That column should contain the filename (as char array). The new column will contain the ccv_dense_matrix_t / ccv_nnc_tensor_t (both are toll-free bridging) of the image.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that loads the images.
column_idx – The column which contains the filename.
structof – The offset to the filename (as char array) from that column. For example, the column could be a struct and filename could be one of the field. In that case, you can pass offsetof(S, filename)
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_image_random_jitter(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const int datatype, const ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_t random_jitter, const char *name)¶
Apply random jitter on a image to generate a new image.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that contains the original image.
column_idx – The column which contains the original image.
datatype – The final datatype of the image. We only support CCV_32F right now.
random_jitter – The random jitter parameters to be applied to.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_one_hot(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t structof, const int range, const float onval, const float offval, const int datatype, const int format, const char *name)¶
Generate a one-hot tensor off the label from a struct.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that contains the label.
column_idx – The column which contains the label (as int).
structof – The offset to the label (as int) from that column. For example, the column could be a struct and label could be one of the field. You can pass offsetof(S, filename)
range – The range of the label, from [0…range - 1]
onval – The value when it hit.
offval – The value for the others.
datatype – The datatype of the tensor.
format – The format of the tensor.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_copy_scalar(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t structof, const int from_dt, const int to_dt, const int format, const char *name)¶
Generate a scalar tensor (a tensor with one value) off a value from a struct.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that contains the value.
column_idx – The column which contains the value (as datatype).
structof – The offset to the label (as int) from that column. For example, the column could be a struct and label could be one of the field. You can pass offsetof(S, filename)
from_dt – The datatype of the value.
to_dt – The datatype of the tensor.
format – The format of the tensor.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_one_squared(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int *const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size, const int variable_size, const int max_length, const char *name)¶
Generate vector with ones up to a given length, the rest will be zeros. When applied to batched lengths array, this will generate a matrix of these vectors, squared. The derived column will be a tuple of vectors for the given number of columns.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that will contain the matrix.
column_idxs – The columns which contain the sequence lengths (a 1d tensor).
column_idx_size – The number of columns. The derived column will be a tuple of vectors.
variable_size – The size of the final vector can vary, depending on the max length of current batch.
max_length – The absolute max length for inputs.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_truncate(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int *const vec_idxs, const int vec_idx_size, const int *len_idxs, const int len_idx_size, const char *name)¶
Truncate a given matrix (as a list of vector) to the given size provided by another vector. The truncated column will be a tuple of vectors for the given columns.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe object that will contain the matrix.
vec_idxs – The columns of the given matrix to be truncated.
vec_idx_size – The number of columns for vec_idxs.
len_idxs – The columns of the given sizes as a vector.
len_idx_size – The number of columns for len_idxs.
name – The name of the new column.
- Returns:
The index of the newly derived column.
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_combine_new(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t *const dataframe, const int *const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size, const int batch_count, const int group_count, const int format)¶
Combine multiple tensors in a column into one tensor. This method can take multiple columns, which will result a tuple of tensors. Each tensor in the tuple is a batched one from a given column.
- Parameters:
dataframe – The dataframe contains the columns of tensors to be batched.
column_idxs – The columns that contain the tensors.
column_idx_size – The number of columns that contain the tensors.
batch_count – How many tensors in one column to be batched together.
group_count – We can generate many groups of batched tensor. For example, if you have column A, B, C, each have different tensors. If group_count is 1, the result tuple will be (A_b, B_b, C_b). If group count is 2, the result tuple will be (A_b1, B_b1, C_b1, A_b2, B_b2, C_b2). A_b1 etc. will still contain the same number of batch_count tensors.
format – The result format of the tensor. We support simply transformation NCHW <=> NHWC with the source tensor.
- Returns:
The newly created dataframe with the 0-th column is the tuple of batched tensors.
struct ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_t¶
- #include <ccv_nnc.h>
The structure to describe how to apply random jitter to the image.
Public Members
float contrast¶
The random contrast, the final contrast will be [1 / (1 + contrast), 1 + contrast]
float saturation¶
The saturation, the final saturation will be [1 / (1 + saturation), 1 + saturation]
float brightness¶
The brightness, the final brightness will be between [1 / (1 + brightness), 1 + brightness]
float lighting¶
AlexNet style PCA based image jitter
float aspect_ratio¶
Stretch aspect ratio between [1 / (1 + asepct_ratio), 1 + aspect_ratio]
int symmetric¶
Apply random flip on x-axis (around y-axis
int seed¶
The seed for random generator.
int center_crop¶
Enable crop to the center (otherwise do random crop).
int min¶
The minimal dimension of resize
int max¶
The maximal dimension of resize. The final resize can be computed from min + (max - min) * random_unit
int roundup¶
The dimension on both height / width are a multiple of roundup value.
int rows¶
The height of the final image.
int cols¶
The width of the final image.
int x¶
The extra random offset on x-axis.
int y¶
The extra random offset on y-axis.
float mean[3]¶
Normalize the image with mean.
float std[3]¶
Normalize the image with std. pixel = (pixel - mean) / std
float contrast¶
Dataframe CSV Support¶
enum [anonymous]¶
ccv_cnnp_dataframe_from_csv_new(void *const input, const int type, const size_t len, const char delim, const char quote, const int include_header, int *const column_size)¶
Create a dataframe object that read a CSV file. This will eagerly load the file into memory, parse each row / column into null-terminated strings, you can later convert these into numerics if needed. Each column will be a column indexed from 0 to column_size - 1. If there are syntax errors, the parser will make guesses and continue to parse to its best knowledge. If it cannot, we will return null for the object. We support both CRLF, LF, and LFCR termination.
- Parameters:
input – The FILE handle for on-disk file, or the pointer to the region of the memory we are going to use.
len – The length of the memory region, if it is `CCV_CNNP_DATAFRAME_CSV_MEMORY`.
delim – The delim, it is ‘,’ by default (if you provided ‘\0’)
quote – The quote for escape strings, it is ‘”’ by default (if you provided ‘\0’)
include_header – whether to parse the header seperately. 1 means we treat the first line as header.
column_size – The number of columns in the resulted dataframe.
- Returns:
A dataframe that can represent the csv file. nullptr if failed.
Model API¶
enum [anonymous]¶
enum [anonymous]¶
Don’t disable any outgrad.
Disable all inputs’ outgrads.
enum [anonymous]¶
This is the default flag, if the model is not initialized, will attempt to read from the disk. Otherwise, will persist existing parameters to disk.
Only read parameters out of disk, even it is already initialized.
Only write parameters to disk.
typedef struct ccv_cnnp_model_io_s *ccv_cnnp_model_io_t¶
With this type, now in NNC, we have 4 types that represents a “tensor”:
1. ccv_nnc_tensor_t / ccv_nnc_tensor_view_t / ccv_nnc_tensor_multiview_t: a concrete tensor with memory allocated.
2. ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t: a symbol representation of a tensor, with its data layout, device affinity, and type specified.
3. ccv_nnc_tensor_variable_t: in dynamic graph, this represents a concrete tensor with memory allocated, but also associated with a recorded execution.
4. ccv_cnnp_model_io_t: this is the most flexible one. No data layout, device affinity or type specified. It can even represent a list of tensors rather than just one. This is a handle used by model API to associates model inputs / outputs.
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_model_notify_f)(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int tag, void *const payload, void *const context)¶
A notification function such that a model can be notified. This is useful to broadcast a message to all models as sub-model of someone else.
typedef ccv_cnnp_model_t *(*ccv_cnnp_model_dynamic_f)(const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t *const inputs, const int input_size, void *const context)¶
A model generation function to be called for dynamic models.
typedef int (*ccv_cnnp_model_io_writer_f)(const ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const tensor, const char *const sql, void *const handle, const char *const name, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t *const options)¶
The prototype for the writer function when exporting parameters out.
- Param tensor:
The tensor to be written to disk.
- Param sql:
The sql to be executed.
- Param handle:
The custom handle that you passed in from ``ccv_cnnp_model_write`` method.
- Param options:
The IO options that can do data encode / decode before persistence.
- Param name:
The name give to a particular parameter.
typedef int (*ccv_cnnp_model_io_reader_f)(void *const handle, const char *const name, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t *const options, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params, ccv_nnc_tensor_t **const tensor_out)¶
The prototype for the reader function to load parameters.
- Param handle:
The custom handle that you passed in from ``ccv_cnnp_model_read`` method.
- Param name:
The name give to a particular parameter.
- Param options:
The IO options that can do data encode / decode before persistence.
- Param params:
The recommended tensor params.
- Param tensor_out:
The tensor to be loaded.
typedef int (*ccv_cnnp_model_parameters_renamer_f)(void *const context, const char *const source_name, char *const updated_name, const size_t provided_size)¶
- Param context:
The context pass to the share method.
- Param source_name:
The name of the parameter from the from model.
- Param updated_name:
The name of the parameter from the model. You can update the value.
- Param provided_size:
The size of the updated_name buffer.
- Return:
0 if succeed. -1 if failed.
Create a naked input.
- Returns:
A ccv_cnnp_model_io_t represents an input.
ccv_cnnp_model_apply(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t *const inputs, const int input_size)¶
This method mimics Keras callable for model (thus, override __call__ method in Python class).
- Parameters:
model – A model that we can apply a set of inputs to get one output.
inputs – The set of inputs.
input_size – The size of inputs array.
- Returns:
A ccv_cnnp_model_io_t that represents the output of the given model.
void ccv_cnnp_model_add_dependencies(ccv_cnnp_model_io_t model_io, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t *const dependencies, const int dependency_size)¶
This method adds non-functional dependencies for a model IO. “Non-functional dependencies” means their outputs are not used for this IO, however, their existence establishes a partial ordering for the execution. In that way, they act as “inputs” but not functional.
- Parameters:
model_io – A model IO for which we will add additional non-functional dependencies.
dependencies – The set of dependencies.
dependency_size – The size of dependencies array.
ccv_cnnp_model_parameters(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int selector, const int index)¶
This method exposes parameter for a model out as a potential input for another model. Since it is a ccv_cnnp_model_io_t, it can also be used by other methods.
- Parameters:
model – A model that we can extract parameters out.
selector – The selector for a parameter. ALL_PARAMETERS means all parameters, or you can select CCV_CNNP_PARAMETER_SELECT_WEIGHT or CCV_CNNP_PARAMETER_SELECT_BIAS.
index – The index into a parameter. ALL_PARAMETERS means all parameters.
void ccv_cnnp_model_notify_hook(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_cnnp_model_notify_f func, void *const context)¶
Hook into a model such that when there is a notification, the callback will receive it.
- Parameters:
model – A model that can be notified.
func – The callback function.
context – The context to be passed along to the callback function.
void ccv_cnnp_model_notify(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int tag, void *const payload)¶
Notify a model and its sub-models with a tag and a payload. This will be triggered synchronously.
- Parameters:
model – A model that will be notified.
tag – An integer to help identify what kind of notification.
payload – A payload pointer that you can carry arbitrary information.
ccv_cnnp_model_new(const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t *const inputs, const int input_size, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t *const outputs, const int output_size, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
This method name is deceiving. It return a composed model, not a naked model. This composed model takes set of inputs, and run through various other models to arrive at the set of outputs.
- Parameters:
inputs – The set of inputs.
input_size – The size of inputs array.
outputs – The set of outputs.
output_size – The size of outputs array.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained. -1 means inherent from parent.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A composed model that takes inputs, and generate the outputs.
ccv_cnnp_sequential_new(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const *const models, const int model_size, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
This method returns a sequential model, which composed from a sequence of models.
- Parameters:
models – The list of models, that takes one input, and emit one output, feeding into the subsequent one.
model_size – The size of the list.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A composed model that applies these models one by one in sequence.
ccv_cnnp_dynamic_new(ccv_cnnp_model_dynamic_f func, void *const context, const char *const name)¶
This method returns a model that will be recreated if it is recompiled. Put it this way, you can call ccv_cnnp_model_compile multiple times with different inputs and input size, however, the model will only be recompiled to some extent. For example, if you called ccv_cnnp_reshape, the shape is determined at the moment you create that model, recompilation won’t change. There are two ways to workaround this: 1. Use models that doesn’t have explicit shape specified, for example, ccv_cnnp_dense, and avoid models that is not as flexible, such as ccv_cnnp_reshape, or ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec. 2. Create with ccv_cnnp_dynamic_new such that the model will be recreated again whenever recompile.
- Parameters:
func – The function to be called to create the model.
context – The context used along to create the model.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model object that is yet to be created until build.
void ccv_cnnp_model_compile(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t *const inputs, const int input_size, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t minimizer, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t loss)¶
Prepare the model to be trained, the input specifies the batch size etc. Input size technically is not needed, here is a safety check.
- Parameters:
model – The model to be compiled.
inputs – The tensor parameters for the model’s inputs, that can be used to derive all tensor shapes.
input_size – The size of the inputs array.
minimizer – The wrapped command that represents a particular optimization strategy.
loss – The wrapped command that computes the loss function.
void ccv_cnnp_model_absorb(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_cnnp_model_t *const init, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t *const inputs, const int input_size)¶
Absorb a new model into the existing model. This requires the new model has exactly the same parameters but other dimensionality’s can change. The new model has to not be compiled yet, its life-cycle management will be take over by the existing model. You don’t need to free it separately.
- Parameters:
model – The existing model.
init – The new model.
inputs – The tensor parameters for the model’s inputs, that can be used to derive all tensor shapes.
input_size – The size of the inputs array.
ccv_cnnp_model_copy(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int is_trainable)¶
Create a copy of an existing model.
- Parameters:
model – The existing model.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
- Returns:
The new model that is exactly the same copy of the old one.
ccv_cnnp_model_output_size(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Get the output size of the model.
- Parameters:
model – The existing model.
- Returns:
The output size of the model.
ccv_cnnp_model_is_trainable(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Get whether the model is trainable.
- Parameters:
model – The existing model.
- Returns:
Whether the model is trainable, -1 is inherited from its parent.
void ccv_cnnp_model_tensor_auto(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t *const outputs, const int output_size)¶
Compute the shape of the output tensor after the model applied to the input. This can only be called after the model is compiled with proper input parameters.
- Parameters:
model – The model to compute the output shapes.
outputs – The computed tensor parameters in the output.
output_size – The size of the output array, it has to match the model’s output.
void ccv_cnnp_model_dot(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int flags, FILE **const outs, const int out_size)¶
Generate output that can be parsed by GraphViz (DOT language).
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
outs – The output file streams.
out_size – The size of output file stream array.
void ccv_cnnp_model_format(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_format_f format_fn, void *const context)¶
Provide a hook for upper level to do custom formatting of a given model. You can implement logic to format the model into protobuf, or json. This is only useful after model is compiled.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
format_fn – The format callback to be called on every node.
context – The context that will be passed to the callback.
void ccv_cnnp_model_fit(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const inputs, const int input_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const fits, const int fit_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const outputs, const int output_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_tape_t *const tensor_tape, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Fit a model to a given input / output. This is a combination of running ccv_cnnp_model_evaluate / ccv_cnnp_model_backward / ccv_cnnp_model_apply_gradients. The difference is that when calling individual functions, the graph is compiled piece by piece, thus, is less efficient than calling ccv_cnnp_model_fit directly. However, having the separate functions makes this implementation much more versatile, for example, can accumulate gradients for multiple batches, or using custom gradients etc.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
inputs – The input tensors.
input_size – The size of the input tensors array.
fits – The target tensors.
fit_size – The size of the target tensors array.
outputs – The actual outputs from the model.
output_size – The size of the outputs array.
tensor_tape – An opaque tensor tape object to “backpropagate through time”.
stream_context – The stream where the fit can be executed upon.
void ccv_cnnp_model_evaluate(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_evaluate_param_t params, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const inputs, const int input_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const outputs, const int output_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_tape_t *const tensor_tape, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Evaluate model with output.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
params – The parameters for how evaluation should behave.
inputs – The input tensors.
input_size – The size of the input tensors array.
outputs – The actual outputs from the model.
output_size – The size of the outputs array.
tensor_tape – An opaque tensor tape object to “backpropagate through time”.
stream_context – The stream where the evaluation can be executed upon.
void ccv_cnnp_model_dry_run(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_evaluate_param_t params, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const inputs, const int input_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const outputs, const int output_size)¶
Dryrun the model with inputs / outputs. This runs the evaluation loop up until the actual execution.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
params – The parameters for how evaluation should behave.
inputs – The input tensors.
input_size – The size of the input tensors array.
outputs – The actual outputs from the model.
output_size – The size of the outputs array.
void ccv_cnnp_model_backward(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const ingrads, const int ingrad_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const outgrads, const int outgrad_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_tape_t *const tensor_tape, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Based on the input gradients, compute the output gradients (w.r.t. the inputs). This also adds parameter gradients.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
ingrads – The input gradients.
ingrad_size – The size of the input gradients array.
outgrads – The output gradients (w.r.t. the inputs).
outgrad_size – The size of the output gradients array.
tensor_tape – An opaque tensor tape object to “backpropagate through time”.
stream_context – The stream where the gradient computation can be executed upon.
void ccv_cnnp_model_apply_gradients(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Apply the computed gradients to the parameter tensors.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
stream_context – The stream where the gradient computation can be executed upon.
int ccv_cnnp_model_write(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, void *const handle, const char *const name, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t *const options)¶
Write model’s tensors to a SQLite database with a given name. Note that we specifically say “model’s tensors” because it doesn’t persist the model’s structure. Hence, you shouldn’t expect us to take a name to then have a fully functional model restored from there. You still need to construct the model. This method only write the tensors (weights and other internal ones) to disk.
- Parameters:
model – The model.
handle – The SQLite handle.
name – The name to find the tensors related to the model in the database.
options – The IO options that can do data encode / decode before persistence.
- Returns:
CCV_IO_FINAL for success, otherwise error.
void ccv_cnnp_model_write_to_file(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const char *const fn, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t *const options)¶
Write model’s tensors to a SQLite database implicitly with “” name. This is a convenience method to ccv_cnnp_model_write particularly useful at training time.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
fn – The file name.
options – The IO options that can do data encode / decode before persistence.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_io(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, ccv_cnnp_model_io_reader_f reader, ccv_cnnp_model_io_writer_f writer)¶
Set IO interceptor for loading weights from / to the model to replace the default SQLite reader / writer.
- Parameters:
model – The model.
reader – The reader function for loading weights.
writer – The writer function for exporting weights out.
int ccv_cnnp_model_read(void *const handle, const char *const name, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t *const options, const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model_out)¶
Read model’s tensors from a SQLite database with a given name.
- Parameters:
handle – The SQLite handle.
name – The name to find the tensors related to the model in the database.
options – The IO options that can do data encode / decode before persistence.
model_out – The model which you want to restore the tensors. It should have the same structure as the one in write to.
- Returns:
CCV_IO_FINAL for success, otherwise error.
void ccv_cnnp_model_read_from_file(const char *const fn, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t *const options, const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model_out)¶
Read model’s tensors to a SQLite database implicitly with “” name. This is a convenience method to ccv_cnnp_model_read particularly useful at training time.
- Parameters:
fn – The file name.
options – The IO options that can do data encode / decode before persistence.
model_out – The model which you want to restore the tensors. It should have the same structure as the one in write to.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_data_parallel(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int parallel)¶
Apply data parallel to the composed model. This method has to be called before we call either evaluate or fit and after the model is compiled.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
parallel – Number of devices we want to run on. 0 will use all devices available. 1 will skip.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_max_concurrency(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int max_stream_count)¶
Set the maximum operator-level concurrency. This is a soft-limit, e.g. if you have operations on different devices, they are concurrent.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
max_stream_count – The maximum concurrency if the model schedules internal streams. 0 is no limit.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_memory_compression(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int memory_compression)¶
Apply memory compression to the composed model. The memory compression technique can reduce memory usage up to 75% comparing with raw mix-precision model during training time.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
memory_compression – Whether to enable the memory compression (1 - enable, 0 - disable (default))
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_memory_reduction(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int memory_reduction)¶
Apply memory reduction to the composed model. The memory reduction technique can reduce memory usage losslessly. Right now, the supported memory reduction technique is to redo datatype conversion.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
memory_reduction – Whether to enable the memory reduction (1 - enable, 0 - disable (default))
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_gradient_checkpointing(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const int gradient_checkpointing)¶
Set the computations in this model to be gradient checkpointing. This can be strategically applied to models within the higher-level composed models such that these models can effectively save 0 gradients during backprop with the cost of running forward pass twice.
- Parameters:
model – The model that will turn on gradient checkpointing.
gradient_checkpointing – Whether to enable gradient checkpointing (1 - enable, 0 - disable (default))
int ccv_cnnp_model_gradient_checkpointing(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Get whether gradient checkpointing is enabled or not for this model.
- Parameters:
model – The model that will turn on gradient checkpointing.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_compile_params(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_compile_param_t compile_params)¶
Set compile parameters on the model so it compiles the graph with the said parameters.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
compile_params – A ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_compile_param_t struct defines compilation parameters.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_workspace_size(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, size_t workspace_size)¶
This method set the max workspace size. If the graph is already compiled. It will re-run autotune to use the new workspace size to find the best algorithm.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
workspace_size – The size in bytes that we can use as workspace (scratch memory).
size_t ccv_cnnp_model_workspace_size(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
This method returns the current max workspace size.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_parameter(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameter, const ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const tensor)¶
Set a parameter that is specified by the parameter span. This will override whatever value in that parameter. The given tensor should match the dimension of the parameter. It doesn’t matter whether the given tensor is on CPU or GPU, it will be copied over. This method is limited, it can only set tensor once the model is compiled.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
parameter – The parameter that is used to specify which parameter to override.
tensor – The tensor contains the value we want to copy over.
void ccv_cnnp_model_parameter_copy(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameter, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const tensor)¶
Copy a parameter that is specified by the parameter span out of a model. This will override the value in the tensor you provided. The given tensor should match the dimension of the parameter and should already be allocated. It doesn’t matter whether the given tensor is on CPU or GPU.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
parameter – The parameter that is used to specify which parameter to copy from.
tensor – The tensor that receives value.
ccv_cnnp_model_parameter_tensor_params(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameter)¶
Get the ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t for a particular parameter of a model.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
parameter – The parameter that is used to specify which parameter to retrieve ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t.
- Returns:
The ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t structure that specifies a tensor shape.
ccv_cnnp_model_parameter_name(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameter)¶
Get the internal name for a particular parameter of a model.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
parameter – The parameter that is used to specify which parameter to retrieve ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t.
- Returns:
The name string for internal name, its life-cycle is managed by the model, and valid until the next invocation of the model either another call or free.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_parameters(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameters, const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const from_model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t from_parameters)¶
Set parameters from another model. This will override whatever values in these parameters. The given parameters from another model should match the dimension of the parameter. It doesn’t matter whether the given tensor is on CPU or GPU. This method can only set when both models are compiled.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to be set on parameters.
parameters – The parameters to be override.
from_model – The model to copy parameters from.
from_parameters – The parameters to be copied from.
Share parameters between two models. This is a very specific setup to enable memory optimization by sharing parameter weights between two models. The models can be different as long as the weights match. The model is responsible to keep from_model alive / from destroyed. There is no refcount. Besides using the parameters to identify, you can also use the given block to provide name match.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to be set on parameters.
parameters – The parameters to be override.
from_model – The model to copy parameters from.
from_parameters – The parameters to be shared from.
renamer – The provided rename function that can get the new name from the from_parameters.
context – The context for renamer function.
void ccv_cnnp_model_parameters_zip_map(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameters, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const aux_ins, const int aux_in_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const aux_outs, const int aux_out_size, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context, const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const from_model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t from_parameters)¶
Process parameters such as exponential averaging. parameters = zip(from_parameters, to_parameters).map { cmd(to_parameter, from_parameter) } The order is selected in such way because many of our commands only support inplace op if the first parameter matches.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to have parameters zip mapped.
parameters – The parameters to be written (and read).
cmd – The command to apply on the parameters.
hint – The hint supplied to the cmd.
flags – The flags supplied to the cmd.
aux_ins – Additional inputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_in_size – The size of additional inputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_outs – Additional outputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_out_size – The size of additional outputs supplied to the cmd.
stream_context – The stream context to be associated with.
from_model – The other composed model to have parameters zipped.
from_parameters – The parameters to be read.
void ccv_cnnp_model_parameters_map(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameters, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const aux_ins, const int aux_in_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const aux_outs, const int aux_out_size, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Process parameters such as clipping. parameters = parameters.map { cmd(parameter) }
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to have parameters mapped.
parameters – The parameters to be mapped.
cmd – The command to apply on the parameters.
hint – The hint supplied to the cmd.
flags – The flags supplied to the cmd.
aux_ins – Additional inputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_in_size – The size of additional inputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_outs – Additional outputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_out_size – The size of additional outputs supplied to the cmd.
stream_context – The stream context to be associated with.
void ccv_cnnp_model_parameter_gradients_map(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameters, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const aux_ins, const int aux_in_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const *const aux_outs, const int aux_out_size, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Process parameter gradients such as normalization. parameters.grad = parameters.apply { cmd(parameter.grad) }
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to have parameters mapped.
parameters – The parameters to be mapped.
cmd – The command to apply on the parameters.
hint – The hint supplied to the cmd.
flags – The flags supplied to the cmd.
aux_ins – Additional inputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_in_size – The size of additional inputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_outs – Additional outputs supplied to the cmd.
aux_out_size – The size of additional outputs supplied to the cmd.
stream_context – The stream context to be associated with.
void ccv_cnnp_model_set_minimizer(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t minimizer, const int reset, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t *const parameters, const int parameter_size)¶
Set a new minimizer for the model. This is useful when you need to update learn rate for stochastic gradient descent for example. This method can be called any time during the training process (after compilation).
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
minimizer – The wrapped command that represents a new optimization strategy.
reset – Reset all previous states of minimizers. This only makes sense if both parameters and parameter_size is 0.
parameters – The parameters to be applied the minimizer on. 0 meant for all.
parameter_size – The number of parameter spans.
ccv_cnnp_model_minimizer(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Retrieve the default minimizer for the model. This is set either you call model compile or ccv_cnnp_model_set_minimizer with no parameter spans.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
- Returns:
The minimizer command.
ccv_cnnp_model_default_stream(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Get the default stream from a compiled model. If the model is not compiled, the default stream is 0.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
- Returns:
The default stream for this model.
ccv_cnnp_model_memory_size(const ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Get the allocated memory size (exclude workspace) from a compiled model. If the model is not compiled the size is 0.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
- Returns:
The number of bytes for memory allocated.
void ccv_cnnp_model_free(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model)¶
Free a given model.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model.
struct ccv_cnnp_evaluate_param_t¶
- #include <ccv_nnc.h>
The parameters for how evaluation should behave.
Public Members
int requires_grad¶
Whether we need to keep intermediate results for gradient computations.
int is_test¶
Whether we evaluate it as test, or just as forward pass of the training process.
uint64_t disable_outgrad¶
Whether we can compute outflow gradients when call ccv_cnnp_model_backward later, this is a bitmask, you can mark for which input the outgrad is disabled.
int requires_grad¶
Model Add-ons¶
enum [anonymous]¶
enumerator CCV_CNNP_IO¶
The parameter is a ccv_cnnp_io_t.
enumerator CCV_CNNP_NO_TENSOR¶
The parameter is not used.
This parameter indicates this is a tensor parameter, but it is not an output reflected as ccv_cnnp_io_t
The parameter is a provided tensor for initialization.
The parameter is a provided tensor that can be updated.
enumerator CCV_CNNP_IO¶
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_state_initializer_f)(void *const context, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const input, const ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t output_symbol)¶
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_init_state_f)(const ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t tensor_symbol, const ccv_cnnp_state_initializer_f initializer, void *const initializer_context, void *const context)¶
typedef void (*ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_init_state_deinit_f)(void *const context)¶
typedef void *(*ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_init_state_copy_f)(void *const context)¶
void ccv_cnnp_model_parameters_clip_grad_norm(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameters, int norm_type, float max_norm, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Process parameter gradients with normalization. Exactly the same as PyTorch’s clip_grad_norm_
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to have parameters mapped.
parameters – The parameters to be mapped.
norm_type – Currently only support 2.
max_norm – The max value for norm.
stream_context – The stream context to be associated with.
int ccv_cnnp_model_parameter_gradients_isnan(ccv_cnnp_model_t *const model, const ccv_cnnp_model_io_t parameters, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t *const stream_context)¶
Process parameter gradients to check if any is nan.
- Parameters:
model – The composed model to have parameters mapped.
parameters – The parameters to be mapped.
stream_context – The stream context to be associated with.
- Returns:
1 if it has any nan, 0 otherwise.
ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec(const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, const ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_t *const inputs, const int input_size, const int *const outputs, const int output_size, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A generic model based on the command. If the tensors are labeled as ccv_cnnp_io_t, it will participate as the input / output of the model. If it is a init tensor, the model will use this tensor for that parameter. More over, if it is marked as parameter, that tensor will be differentiated against when you call ccv_cnnp_model_fit. This model however doesn’t take over ownership of the tensor. You should manage the life cycle of the given tensor and it is your responsibility to make sure they outlive the model. Also, all inputs and outputs marked as init tensors will be shared if you reuse this model in other places.
- Parameters:
cmd – The command to generate this model.
hint – The hint to run the command.
flags – The flags with the command.
inputs – A list of ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_t identify each input as either a init tensor or a ccv_cnnp_io_t.
input_size – The size of input list.
outputs – A list of types identify each output as ccv_cnnp_io_t or a none tensor.
output_size – The size of the outputs. There is no need to give ccv_cnnp_tensor_param_t for outputs because all of them are CCV_CNNP_IO type.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model based on the given command.
ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_copy(const ccv_nnc_tensor_t *const tensor)¶
Copy a tensor as initialization for the given parameter.
- Parameters:
tensor – The tensor to copy from.
- Returns:
A init_state that can be passed to ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_t
ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_set_by(const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params)¶
Initialize a given parameter with the command.
- Parameters:
cmd – The command to call when need to initialize.
hint – The hint to accompany the command.
flags – The flags to accompany the command.
params – The tensor configuration.
- Returns:
A init_state that can be passed to ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_t
ccv_cnnp_graph(const ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_t *const graph, const ccv_cnnp_tensor_symbol_param_t *const tensor_symbol_params, const int tensor_symbol_param_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t *const inputs, const int input_size, ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t *const outputs, const int output_size, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A generic model based on the symbolic graph we provided. A list of tensor symbols are labeled whether it is ccv_cnnp_io_t or not (we identify whether this is a input or output based on whether it is in the graph). If it is not, we init it with a given tensor. If it is marked as parameter, that tensor will be differentiated against when you call ccv_cnnp_model_fit. The model doesn’t take ownership over the init tensors. You are responsible to make sure the init tensors outlive the model until the initialization occurred. Also, these tensors will be shared if the model is reused.
- Parameters:
graph – The symbolic graph that is our blue print for this model.
tensor_symbol_params – The list of tensor symbol parameters that labels a given symbol.
tensor_symbol_param_size – The size of the list.
inputs – The inputs to this graph. We can figure out which ones are inputs, but this gives us the order.
input_size – The size of the input list.
outputs – The outputs from this graph. We can figure out which ones are outputs, but this gives us the order.
output_size – The size of the output list.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model based on the given symbolic graph.
ccv_cnnp_sum(const char *const name)¶
Sum multiple input tensors together.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with multiple inputs, and generate output that is a sum of the inputs.
ccv_cnnp_concat(const int axis, const char *const name)¶
Concatenate input tensors together.
- Parameters:
axis – Along this axis, we concatenate tensors together. Other dimensions need to be exactly the same.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with multiple inputs, and generate output that is a concatenation of the inputs.
ccv_cnnp_chunk(const int n, const int axis, const char *const name)¶
Chunk the input tensor into n pieces.
- Parameters:
n – How many pieces we chunk the tensor into.
axis – Along this axis, we chunk the tensor. Other dimensions need to be exactly the same.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with one input, and generate outputs that are chunks of the input.
ccv_cnnp_convolution(const int groups, const int filters, const int kdim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int dilation[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int no_bias, ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int format, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A convolution model.
- Parameters:
groups – The number of kernel groups in the model.
filters – The total number of filters in the model (filters = groups * per group filters).
kdim – The dimensions of the kernel.
dilation – The dilation factor on each dimension.
no_bias – Whether has bias term or not.
hint – The hint for alignment.
format – The format for weights. If 0, it will have the same format as the input.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A convolution model.
ccv_cnnp_convolution_transpose(const int groups, const int filters, const int kdim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int dilation[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int output_padding, const int no_bias, ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int format, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A convolution transpose model.
- Parameters:
groups – The number of kernel groups in the model.
filters – The total number of filters in the model (filters = groups * per group filters).
kdim – The dimensions of the kernel.
dilation – The dilation factor on each dimension.
output_padding – The padding helps to resolve shape ambiguity when this is inverse of convolution.
no_bias – Whether has bias term or not.
hint – The hint for alignment.
format – The format for weights. If 0, it will have the same format as the input.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A convolution transpose model.
ccv_cnnp_dense(const int count, const int no_bias, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A dense layer model.
- Parameters:
count – The output dimension.
no_bias – Whether has a bias term or not.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A dense layer model.
ccv_cnnp_batch_norm(const float momentum, const float epsilon, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A batch norm layer model.
- Parameters:
momentum – The momentum in batch norm parameter.
epsilon – The epsilon in batch norm parameter.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A batch norm layer model.
ccv_cnnp_relu(const char *const name)¶
A RELU activation layer model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A RELU activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_sigmoid(const char *const name)¶
A sigmoid activation layer model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A sigmoid activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_tanh(const char *const name)¶
A tanh activation layer model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A tanh activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_swish(const char *const name)¶
A swish activation layer model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A swish activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_gelu(const int tanh, const char *const name)¶
A GELU activation layer model.
- Parameters:
tanh – Whether enable fast approximate GELU.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A GELU activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_leaky_relu(const float negative_slope, const char *const name)¶
A leaky ReLU activation layer model.
- Parameters:
negative_slope – The coefficient to be applied when it is negative.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A leaky ReLU activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_softmax(const char *const name)¶
A softmax activation layer model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A softmax activation layer model.
ccv_cnnp_max_pool(const int kdim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const char *const name)¶
A max pool model.
- Parameters:
kdim – The pooling window dimension.
hint – The hint for alignment.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A max pool model.
ccv_cnnp_average_pool(const int kdim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const char *const name)¶
An average pool model.
- Parameters:
kdim – The pooling window dimension.
hint – The hint for alignment.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
An average pool model.
ccv_cnnp_reshape(const int format, const int dim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int ofs[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int stride[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const char *const name)¶
Reshape an input into a different dimension.
- Parameters:
format – Change the layout format for a given input, 0 is not to change.
dim – The new dimension for the input.
ofs – The offset on each of the dimension.
stride – The line size of each dimension.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A reshape layer model.
ccv_cnnp_pad(const int type, const int begin[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int end[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const char *const name)¶
Pad the input with extra dimensions at beginning or the ends. Padding should be > 0.
- Parameters:
type – Two types of padding supported: zero and replication.
begin – How many elements to add at the beginning of each dimension.
end – How many elements to add at the end of each dimension.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A pad layer model.
ccv_cnnp_identity(const char *const name)¶
Identity op that simply copy from input to output without using any data transfer / format conversion methods.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
An identity layer model.
ccv_cnnp_permute(const int index[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const char *const name)¶
Permute the input. For example, [2, 0, 1] means moving dimension 2 to 0, dimension 0 to 1, dimension 1 to 2.
- Parameters:
index – The index for each dimensions from.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A permute layer model.
ccv_cnnp_extract(const int index, const char *const name)¶
Extract one of the multi-outputs. This is useful because ccv_cnnp_model_io_t can contain multiple outputs, this helps to extract one of them out to be used later.
- Parameters:
index – The index to the output you want to extract.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can extract one output.
ccv_cnnp_flatten(const char *const name)¶
Flatten an input tensor into a one dimensional array.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A flatten layer model.
ccv_cnnp_layer_norm(const float epsilon, const int axis[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int axis_count, const int elementwise_affine, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A layer norm model.
- Parameters:
epsilon – The epsilon in layer norm parameter.
axis – The axis are the feature axis to compute norm.
axis_count – How many axis we count as feature.
elementwise_affine – Whether it contains scale / bias.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A layer norm model.
ccv_cnnp_group_norm(const int group_axis, const int groups, const float epsilon, const int reduce_axis[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int axis_count, const int elementwise_affine, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A group norm model.
- Parameters:
group_axis – The axis are the feature axis to compute norm.
groups – How many groups per axis channel.
epsilon – The epsilon in layer norm parameter.
reduce_axis – The other axes to be reduced.
axis_count – The number of other axes to be reduced.
elementwise_affine – Whether it contains scale / bias.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A group norm model.
ccv_cnnp_rmsnorm(const float epsilon, const int axis[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC], const int axis_count, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A rmsnorm model.
- Parameters:
epsilon – The epsilon in layer norm parameter.
axis – The axis are the feature axis to compute norm.
axis_count – How many axis we count as feature.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A rmsnorm model.
ccv_cnnp_add(const float p, const float q, const char *const name)¶
Add two input tensors together. Different from sum because this support broadcasting.
- Parameters:
p – The weight for the first input.
q – The weight for the second input.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with two inputs, and generate output that is a product of the inputs.
ccv_cnnp_mul(const float p, const char *const name)¶
Multiply two input tensors together.
- Parameters:
p – The weight for the output.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with two inputs, and generate output that is a product of the inputs.
ccv_cnnp_scalar_mul(const float a, const char *const name)¶
A scalar multiplication model. Y = aX where a is a scalar.
- Parameters:
a – The scalar parameter.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A scalar multiplication model.
ccv_cnnp_div(const int reciprocal, const char *const name)¶
Divide two input tensors together.
- Parameters:
reciprocal – Only take one tensor input, effectively compute 1 / input.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with two inputs, and generate output that is a division of the inputs.
ccv_cnnp_sqrt(const char *const name)¶
Square root of the input tensor.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with one input, and generate output that is the square root of the input.
ccv_cnnp_cmul(const char *const name)¶
Multiply two input tensors together as if these are complex numbers.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied with two inputs, and generate output that is a product of the inputs.
ccv_cnnp_transpose(const int axis_a, const int axis_b, const char *const name)¶
A matrix transpose model.
- Parameters:
axis_a – The axis to be exchanged with axis_b
axis_b – The axis to be exchanged with axis_a
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A matrix transpose model.
ccv_cnnp_matmul(const int transpose_a[2], const int transpose_b[2], const char *const name)¶
A batched matrix multiplication model.
- Parameters:
transpose_a – The axis to be transposed in the first matrix.
transpose_b – The axis to be transposed in the second matrix.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A batched matrix multiplication model.
ccv_cnnp_dropout(const float p, const int entirety, const char *const name)¶
A dropout model.
- Parameters:
p – The probability to drop the current value.
entirety – Drop the whole layer with the given probability.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A dropout model.
ccv_cnnp_masked_fill(const float eq, const float fill, const char *const name)¶
A masked fill model.
- Parameters:
eq – If a value in the given mask tensor is equal to this.
fill – Fill in this value to the output tensor.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A masked fill model.
ccv_cnnp_index_select(const char *const name)¶
A index select model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A index select model.
ccv_cnnp_embedding(const int datatype, const int vocab_size, const int embed_size, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
An dictionary embedding model. This can be thought as index select model but the vocabulary tensor is within this model itself.
- Parameters:
datatype – The data type of the vocabulary.
vocab_size – The size of the vocabulary.
embed_size – The size of the embedding.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A index select model.
ccv_cnnp_model_t *ccv_cnnp_upsample(const int type, const float width_scale, const float height_scale, const int align_corners, const char *const name)¶
A upsample model.
- Parameters:
type – The type of upsample, whether nearest or bilinear.
width_scale – The scale of the width of the input.
height_scale – The scale of the height of the input.
align_corners – Whether to align corners when doing upsample.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A upsample model.
ccv_cnnp_reduce_sum(const int *const axis, const int axis_count, const char *const name)¶
A sum value reducer model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
axis_count – The size of the axis array.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A sum value reducer model.
ccv_cnnp_reduce_mean(const int *const axis, const int axis_count, const char *const name)¶
A mean value reducer model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
axis_count – The size of the axis array.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A sum value reducer model.
ccv_cnnp_reduce_max(const int *const axis, const int axis_count, const char *const name)¶
A max value reducer model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
axis_count – The size of the axis array.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A max value reducer model.
ccv_cnnp_reduce_min(const int *const axis, const int axis_count, const char *const name)¶
A min value reducer model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
axis_count – The size of the axis array.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A min value reducer model.
ccv_cnnp_reduce_norm2(const int *const axis, const int axis_count, const char *const name)¶
A norm2 value reducer model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
axis_count – The size of the axis array.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A norm2 value reducer model.
ccv_cnnp_argmax(const int axis, const char *const name)¶
A argmax model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A max indices model.
ccv_cnnp_argmin(const int axis, const char *const name)¶
A argmin model.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis to be reduced.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A min indices model.
ccv_cnnp_min(const char *const name)¶
A element-wise min model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A element-wise min model.
ccv_cnnp_max(const char *const name)¶
A element-wise max model.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A element-wise max model.
ccv_cnnp_lstm(const int masked, const int hidden_size, const int proj_size, const int num_layers, const int bias, const int batch_first, const int bidirectional, const float dropout, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A Long-Short Term Memory model.
- Parameters:
masked – Whether a mask tensor provided.
hidden_size – The number of features in the hidden state h.
proj_size – The number of features in the hidden state h.
num_layers – The number of layers for RNN.
bias – If 0, the layer won’t use bias weights.
batch_first – If 1, will batch before sequence.
bidirectional – Enable bidirectional mode of RNN.
dropout – If non-zero, enable dropout at each layer of RNN.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A LSTM model.
ccv_cnnp_datatype_conversion(const int datatype, const int ref_to_last, const char *const name)¶
Perform datatype conversion for input tensors.
- Parameters:
datatype – The desired datatype.
ref_to_last – If there are two inputs to the model, use the last one as a datatype reference.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that does data conversion.
ccv_cnnp_clamp(const float min, const float max, const char *const name)¶
Clamp input tensor to a range.
- Parameters:
min – NAN will ignore this.
max – NAN will ignore this.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that does clamp.
ccv_cnnp_parameter(const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params, const float init_bound, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
A parameter that can be initialized / loaded.
- Parameters:
params – The tensor shape / information about this parameter.
init_bound – The bound for the initial values, in uniform distribution.
name – The unique name of the model.
is_trainable – Whether the parameters of this model can be trained.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied and return the weight.
ccv_cnnp_scalar(const int type, const int format, const int datatype, const float value, const char *const name)¶
A scalar value that can be used.
- Parameters:
type – The type of this scalar.
format – The format of this scalar.
datatype – The datatype of this scalar.
value – The value in float.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied and return the scalar.
ccv_cnnp_variable(const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params, const char *const name)¶
An empty variable that can be used. This is usually paired to ccv_cnnp_move to make this “input” as destination. This is also different from ccv_cnnp_parameter because that will be persisted.
- Parameters:
params – The parameters for the tensor.
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied and return the variable.
ccv_cnnp_move(const char *const name)¶
A special model that takes two inputs but copies value in the first input to the second. The second input then returned as the output. This is special because it enables you to violate single-static assignment rule otherwise without using this method, it won’t trigger. However, it does have a special place because it enables hand-written optimizations that otherwise require you to either implement a new optimization pass in nnc (difficult to do it correctly) or it is not possible to do with CNNP models and you have to go to Level-3 API, which may not be exposed on high-level language bindings such as s4nnc.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied and copies first input to the second.
ccv_cnnp_contiguous(const char *const name)¶
If the input is not contiguous, this model will make it contiguous. Normally, such graph operation will be optimized away when calling ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_simplify. In this case, we will disable such optimization on the generated node. If the input is not contiguous, the output of this model is the same as the input, hence, skipped.
- Parameters:
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can be applied and making the input contiguous.
ccv_cnnp_scaled_dot_product_attention(const float scale, const int is_causal, const int has_attn_mask, const int upcast, const int fused_unify_head_weights, const int no_bias, const int is_trainable, const char *const name)¶
Apply the scaled dot product attention to input. Accepting input in the form of (q, k, v) or (q, k, v, attn_mask) if has_attn_mask is 1.
- Parameters:
scale – The scale to be applied to the qk dot product.
is_causal – Whether to apply is_causal mask to it. If both attn_mask and is_causal supplied, we will cut attn_mask to upper right triangle.
has_attn_mask – Whether the input would accept a 4th parameter the attention mask.
upcast – Whether the attention computation will be run at higher precision (from FP16 to FP32).
fused_unify_head_weights – Whether we also have unifying head weight fused into it. The output would be in shape of (N, S, H * Ev).
no_bias – Whether we have bias or not for the unifying head output.
is_trainable – Whether or not it is trainable (if weight / bias provided).
name – The unique name of the model.
- Returns:
A model that can apply scaled dot product attention compute.
struct ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_init_state_t¶
Public Members
ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t info¶
The tensor parameter for this one.
void *context¶
The context for which we initialize tensor.
ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_init_state_f init¶
The function to init state for a tensor.
ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_init_state_copy_f copy¶
The function to make a copy of the context.
ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_init_state_deinit_f deinit¶
The function to release the context.
ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t info¶
struct ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_io_t¶
Public Members
int type¶
int type¶
struct ccv_cnnp_tensor_symbol_param_t¶
Public Members
ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t symbol¶
The tensor symbol this is reference to.
int type¶
ccv_nnc_tensor_symbol_t symbol¶